Currently titled after Portuguese’s second largest city and favorite gross domestic product, this fictional feature debut comes from a name who has appeared in such publications as Sight & Sound, Film Comment, and Cinema Scope. Gabe Klinger saw his non-fiction feature debut played out on the Lido (Double Play: James Benning and Richard Linklater) and earlier this year he packed Lucie Lucas and Anton Yelchin (the narrator is the dearly departed Chantal Akerman) for a Portugal/Paris shoot on the failed love theme. Porto is another Champs-Elysées Film Festival (2015) US in Progress selected project to be featured on our predictions list, this was filmed in multiple film formats and carries a distinct Euro feel and appeal.
Gist: Co-written by Klinger and Larry Gross, this is the story of the doomed romance between a man (Yelchin) and a woman (Lucas) set in Porto, Portugal.
Production Co./Producers: Rodrigo Areias (Double Play: James Benning and Richard Linklater), Todd Remis (Magic Magic), Julie Snyder and Gabe Klinger. Executive producers: Jim Jarmusch and Stephen T. Skoly (Fixing America).
Prediction: U.S. Dramatic Comp. However we think this might be more to the tune of a Cannes or Venice Film Fest showing.
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available. TBD (domestic). TBD (international)
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