Slowly moving away from the docu world, but keeping with real life subjects, filmmaker Travis Mathews first gained entry into Sundance with the New Frontier played Interior. Leather Bar. back in 2013. Fast-forward a couple of years and he might be headed there again. While Oscillate Wildly has been on the SFFS/KRF fast track and landing several West Coast grants and it was reported that shooting took place during the summer, unless this was shot completely off the radar, we believe we’re a tad too early with this one. If not, then we called it.
Gist: Written by Travis Mathews and Keith Wilson, Ben is a hot-headed young gay man with a mild form of spastic cerebral palsy that expresses itself in his swaying walk and intermittent muscle spasms. He lives a solitary and routine life in a working-class neighborhood of Austin, Texas, with no family and few friends. Living in the grey space between abled and disabled, Ben wishes his disability would disappear and free him to be “normal.”
Production Co./Producers: Travis Mathews, Keith Wilson, Jonathan Duffy (6 Years). Executive Producer: James Franco.
Prediction: NEXT Section.
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available. TBD (domestic). TBD (international)
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