Shooting on her sixth feature film began sometime last year and gradually completed during the Covid. The Buenos Aires born Ana Katz began her feature filmography with Musical Chairs (2002), Un Certain Regard selected A Stray Girlfriend (2007), 2011 Los Marziano, Sundance winner My Friend from the Park (2015) and finally the big winner at Karlovy Vary Florianópolis Dream before hitting El Perro que No Calla – a black & white micro project featuring Daniel Katz, Carlos Portaluppi, Facundo Gambandé, Mirella Pascual, Valeria Lois and one of our faves in the versatile Julieta Zylberberg.
Gist: Sebastian (Daniel Katz), a young man in his 30s, has several temporary jobs that come and go and pressure him, and he embraces love whenever he finds the opportunity. Through small specific events, his transformation is portrayed in the context of a world that also transforms and flirts with a possible apocalypse.
Production Co./Producers: Laura Huberman and Ana Katz.
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available.