Thierry Frémaux sure does like mister Kirill Serebrennikov. Since showcasing The Student in 2016’s Un Certain Regard section, the Russian filmmaker (in exile) has been a fixture in the competition section (there was even the rumor he might showcase his two of his 2024 releases) with 2018’s Leto, 2021’s Petrov’s Flu and 2022’s Tchaikovsky’s Wife. In what was a complicated shoot due to the war, Liminov: The Ballad stars Ben Whishaw as Limonov.
Gist: Based on the novel by Emmanuel Carrère, this is about the revolutionary militant, a thug, an underground writer, a butler to a millionaire in Manhattan. But also a switchblade waving poet, a lover of beautiful women, a warmonger, a political agitator and a novelist who wrote of his own greatness. Eduard Limonov’s life story is a journey through Russia, America and Europe during the second half of the 20th century.
Current temperature: It’s really too early to call this one with only 4 critics stamping this one with a grade but so far we are at the average of 3. Look for more of a decisive average over course of the next 24 hours.
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