August Winds (2014), Neon Bull (2015) and Divine Love (2019) filmmaker Gabriel Mascaro has began production on his fourth fiction feature film in his native Brazil. Details are extremely sparse but what we could tell from the socials is that it might be a challenging production due to the backdrop (fishing village / shoreline) and we are looking at around a five-week shoot. Recife is possibly the main location for the project. Production began this week so we can expect a major film festival showcase beginning with a first bid at a Cannes showcase — his previous films were showcased at heavyweight film fests such as Locarno, Venice and Sundance. No word yet on if cinematographer Diego Garcia has re-teamed with Mascaro. We’ll update the deets on project over the next month ahead.
We were huge fans of his sophomore fiction feature film Neon Bull (Orizzonti Special Jury Prize in Venice, Best Director in Marrakech) with our Nicholas Bell pinpointing “the striking imagery often unfolds with the objective precision of documentary format, a tone enhanced by Mascaro’s free forming narrative, which basically revolves around the blighted dreams of its central character. But the end result is something much stranger and enigmatic than any of these descriptors can possibly capture, and Mascaro flutters between moments of meditative observation and bizarre nighttime proclivities with instances as equally lurid as they are supremely beautiful.”