He already had a firm sophomore project in the works when he was fielding questions back in 2019 at the Cannes press conference for Les Misérables. We now know wink wink title and production co. behind Ladj Ly’s next oeuvre. Indésirables will be SRAB Films production (Happening, Vortex, Saint Omer and the upcoming debut by Sofia Alaoui in Oum). Toufik Ayadi and Christophe Barral were the producers for Les Misérables. There is also nuggets of info (via our Cineuropa folks) when the CNC announce advance on receipts. The other eyebrow raiser is the unveiling of Alain Guiraudie‘s next.
Guiraudie, who is best known for masterwork Stranger by the Lake, and who was at the Berlinale this year with Nobody’s Hero (Viens je t’emmène) (read our review by Nicholas Bell) received coin for his seventh feature film titled Miséricorde. CG Cinéma’s Charles Gillibert will produce. We’ll likely get more news on both titles sometime next year – don’t expect either film to surface until 2024. The five other films to get coin include Thierry de Peretti‘s À son image, Alain Gomis‘ Dao, Claire Burger‘s Langue étrangère, Aude Léa Rapin‘s Planète B and Judith Davis‘ L’asile. With the exception of Claire Burger’s third feature, we doubt that any of these will be ready next year.