She has been attached to several new projects since You Were Never Really Here was released and we’ve got a massive update thanks to the Screen Daily folks covering Doha Film Institute’s Qumra Event. The first film out of the gate for Lynne Ramsay will be the adaptation of a short story from Atwood’s 2014 collection of the same name which is “about a woman (Julianne Moore) who goes on a cruise in a frozen region and encounters a man who raped her 50 years ago. “It’s such a challenge, that film because it’s a boat in the Arctic – it [needs] all the elements aligning.” Here is what we have:
Stone Mattress
Source: 2014 short fiction collection by Margaret Atwood
Status: Production is set for “later this year”
Likely Year of Release: 2024
Source: Original Script.
Status: Depends on if and when Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara are available at the same time.
Possible Year of Release: 2025-2026
Die, My Love
Source: Ariana Harwicz novel.
Status: Writing phase.
Possible Year of Release: 2026
Moby Dick
Source: Herman Melville novel.
Status: Project is “not dead”. Budget is a concern.
Possible Year of Release: 2028