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Joker | 2019 Toronto Intl. Film Festival Review

The Day the Clown Cried: Phillips Tries to Provoke the Herd in Adult Comic Book Origin Story As another cinematic iteration of the eponymous Joker...

IONCINEPHILE of the Month: Ognjen Glavonić – The Load’s IONCINEPHILE of the Month feature focuses on an emerging creator from the world of cinema. This month, we feature Ognjen Glavonić who saw...

Maternal | 2019 Locarno Film Festival Review

Nun of Your Business: Delpero Explores Mothers and Others in Astute Debut For her feature film debut, documentarian Maura Delpero observed young women in Buenos...

The Kitchen | Review

The Kitchen, God’s Wife: Berloff Doesn’t Bring the Heat in Halting Melodrama Hell may as yet have no fury like a woman scorned, but the...

The Conversation: Vying for Venice 2019 – Predictions!

Once again, Venice seems poised to make a killing by featuring a number of high-profile US auteurs in its line-up. Like last year’s program,...
