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This Month’s IONCINEPHILE: Athina Rachel Tsangari's IONCINEPHILE of the Month feature focuses on an emerging filmmaker from the world of cinema. This March we feature Athina Rachel Tsangari, a...

Pina | Review

So you think you can dance in three dimensions?

Cannes 2011: How will the De Niro Jury Vote?: A Brief History of the Palme d’Or

Many accused Isabelle Huppert of playing favourites when Haneke finally won for his long overdue Palme. De Niro has worked with Brad Pitt and Sean Penn --- will the brotherhood remain intact with a vote going towards Malick?

Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2011: Kenneth Lonergan’s Margaret

It's been a long, very long six years since shooting has been completed on Kenneth Lonergan's sophomore film. People have passed on, actors in the film have aged, not sure when Lonergan gets to upload this monkey off his back, but I imagine Fox Searchlight have festival plans for this aged item from the vault.

Interview: The Messenger’s Oren Moverman

Producer Mark Gordon wanted me to direct the film and, quite frankly, I didn't jump at it. Not because I didn't want to direct, quite the opposite, I was on my way to directing another film, but because I didn't think I was experienced enough to take it on.
