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2020 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Brandon Cronenberg, Lila Neugebauer, Dave Franco, Josephine Decker

The Owners French television director Julius Berg moved into feature filmmaking with Game of Thrones Maisie Williams toplining the English language tale about a group...

Top 150 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2019: #54. Possessor – Brandon Cronenberg

Possessor Seven years after his 2012 debut Antiviral, Canadian director Brandon Cronenberg returns again to the body horror theme established early on by his father...

Top 20 Alternative Picks for Cannes 2012: Brandon Cronenberg’s Antiviral

Antiviral - Brandon Cronenberg Buzz: While it's easy to get a nepotistic whiff from this film's inclusion in the festival, all eyes (perhaps literally) will...

2024 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Caitlin Cronenberg’s Humane

We thought there might be a chance of Humane slipping into the 2023 film fest schedule, but Caitlin Cronenberg did  move into production only...

2023 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Cronenberg, Bynum, Trengove, Alaoui, Song

In the second portion of our Sundance prognostications, we find Sundance alumni whether it be short film filmmakers vying for a spot for their...


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