The Lost City of Twee: Anderson Continues Quest of Counterfeit Sentiments
Somewhere along the way, over the past twenty years, Wes Anderson’s style completely...
Charlie and the Tragedy Factory: Aronofsky Returns with Potent Chamber-piece on Despair and Redemption
Obesity is far from the only morbid element marinating the bleak...
Repetition Commission: Anderson Flatlines with Twee Aesthetic
Since cinema requires a semblance of participation by the audience, a passive relationship of sorts, the latest curio...
A Dog’s Tale: Anderson Returns to Animation with Scruffy, Eclectic Fantasy
We’ve come to expect a certain technical formality from Wes Anderson, even across a...
Portrait of the Artist: Aronofsky Thrashes Wildly with Art-house Freak Show
Three years since his Biblical studio effort Noah, Darren Aronofsky is back in the...