Thank You for Choking: Ruskin Explores the Sordid Politics Behind Infamous Serial Killing Case
The tribulations of femininity in the fourth estate anchors Boston Strangler,...
Bonfire of the Wannabes: Durkin Returns with Scenes from a Consumerist Marriage
Sean Durkin, at last, returns with sophomore feature The Nest nine years after...
One of the hallmark signature hallmarks found in Durkinian cinema is the ability to capture the psychology of his characters through their inaction. This...
The Nest
Eight years after the success of his 2011 debut Martha Marcy May Marlene, Sean Durkin resurfaces with sophomore feature The Nest, a Canadian-U.K....
The most acquisitions and distributor launch-pad friendly section of the festival, the Premieres category had some big ticket items in Nisha Ganatra's Late Night,...
Screens From a Marriage: Fincher Makes Pulpy Lemonade
Undoubtedly one of 2014's most anticipated titles, David Fincher’s adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s bestseller, Gone Girl finds...