One of the hallmark signature hallmarks found in Durkinian cinema is the ability to capture the psychology of his characters through their inaction. This momentary paralysis is the beginning point to deciding one’s flight path. In Sean Durkin‘s long-awaited follow up to his directorial debut Martha Marcy May Marlene (the 4-part series Southcliffe was released in 2013) power and greed can sow discord in any Fortune 500 company, but what happens when it truly hits home and becomes weaponized. Set during the Margaret Thatcher era, The Nest features Jude Law and Carrie Coon as a couple stuck in a slipstream where their roles of husband-wife / patriarch-matriarch will be depreciated by the promise of a unrealistic future. I sat down with Sean Durkin at the Sundance Film Festival to discuss Rory and Allison in more depth. IFC Films release the film this Friday, September 18th.