Blue Marks by German filmmaker Sarah Miro Fischer and The Two Landscapes by Argentinian filmmaker (and recent Berlinale Golden Bear winner) Francisco Lezama have...
Petite Fleur (15 Ways to Kill Your Neighbour)
Produced by Didar Domehri
Directed by Santiago Mitre
Written by Mariano Llinás, Santiago Mitre
Starring: Daniel Hendler, Vimala Pons, Sergi...
The Sound of My Voice: Meta Delivers Masterful Psychological Identity Horror
Does it come from without or within? ‘It’ being the perception of danger, delusion...
Petite fleur
Argentina’s Santiago Mitre moves forward on his third feature, Petite fleur (Little Flower), adapted from Pequena Flor by Iosi Havilio. The French co-pro,...
Money Ain’t for Nothin’: Veiroj Turns to Political Period Caper
A common saying in Montevideo, Uruguay, meant to succinctly condense the city’s appeal and cement...