UK’s Michael Pearce returns with his highly anticipated sophomore film Invasion, produced by Dimitri Doganis, Derrin Schlesinger and Piers Vellacott with cinematography from the...
The Nest
Eight years after the success of his 2011 debut Martha Marcy May Marlene, Sean Durkin resurfaces with sophomore feature The Nest, a Canadian-U.K....
The most acquisitions and distributor launch-pad friendly section of the festival, the Premieres category had some big ticket items in Nisha Ganatra's Late Night,...
Fooling the Children of the Revolution: Morris Returns with Dark, Political Satire
Stakes are perhaps too high for writer-director Christopher Morris’s sophomore film following the...
Eight years after his incendiary debut Four Lions premiered at Sundance, British satirist Chris Morris unveiled his follow-up The Day Shall Come at SXSW...