Fred Schepisi’s 1978 sophomore film The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith holds a significant prominence in the Australian New Wave, which revitalized Australia’s film industry...
Espionage thrillers remain a lucrative cinematic staple, as evidenced by continued adaptations of Robert Ludlum, Tom Clancy, and the enduring legacy of the iconic...
Word Play: Schepisi’s Formulaic Romance Elevated by Lead Performances
Australian director Fred Schepisi gets a lot of mileage out of his headlining duo at the...
With only the Discovery, Mavericks and Masters programmes left to be determined, TIFF head programmers dished out the final make-up of the Galas, Special...
Tempest Trap: Schepisi’s Latest Feature Never Quite Elevates Beyond Mild Blip on the Radar
With his first film project since 2005 (and first theatrical release...