Search results for: Antoine Fuqua

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Southpaw | Review

My Left Fist: Fuqua’s Sports Drama a Familiar, Emotionally Charged Comeback After another recent dalliance in action genre schlock, director Antoine Fuqua returns with the...

Big Game | Review

Rules of the Game: Helander’s Schlocky English Language Debut Even though the film seems perfectly well aware of its own silliness as it recapitulates formulaic...

The Equalizer | Review

Sequelizer: Fuqua Resurrects Vintage TV Series to Maudlin Effect Upon the project’s official announcement, it may not have seemed a necessarily surprising or even awful...

Latest From Ozon, Bahrani, Baumbach, Gordon Green, Petzold & Hansen-Løve Heading to TIFF…Telluride & Venice

Much like back to school sales in mid July, in our books, TIFF's first announcement wave reminds us that the end of summer is...

Key Players in the 2012 Cannes Film Market: Filmnation Ent.

If you think Glen Basner's Filmnation Ent. had a stellar year last year, 2012 is the cherry on the sundae with John Hillcoat and...
