Jordan M. Smith


Exclusive articles:

Plaza de La Soledad | 2016 Sundance Film Festival Review

Waiting For Tonight: Goded Finds Friends in Circle of Sex Workers Having spent the last 20 years visiting Mexico and the notoriously dangerous streets of the...

Criterion Collection: Inside Llewyn Davis | Blu-ray Review

Anyone who's ever had their musical ambitions crushed by the ever oppressive forces of real life will find a great sense of empathy within...

What’s Up Doc?: Park City Premieres From Pennebaker/ Hegedus, Herzog & Greene Help Bring In The New Year

Having started this doc tracking project back in the summer of 2014, its been incredibly fascinating to see the development of these films and...

Anomalisa | Review

Re-Animators: Kaufman & Johnson Brilliantly Translates Kafkaesque 'Sound Play' From The Stage To Stop Motion Springing from the mind that spewed an incredible string of transcendent work from Being...

Where To Invade Next | Review

It's been a relatively quiet six years since Michael Moore unleashed Capitalism: A Love Story back in 2009, but little did anyone know he's been...
