We’ve been kicking around the A24 backed Tuesday in our fest predictions for some time now as it was in the can in June of 2021 but Daina Oniunas-Pusić‘s name was only mentioned as of late when she signed with CAA back in October. Starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the Croatian-born, London-trained filmmaker got to work with the extremely picky cinematographer Alexis Zabé of Silent Light and The Florida Project fame. Also starring Lola Petticrew, Arinzé Kene and Leah Harvey, Tuesday is a tale that goes into dark psychological matter and includes among speaking parts a Macaw parrot. Producers include Stray Bear Productions’ Ivana MacKinnon, Gingerbread Pictures’ Helen Gladders, Record Player Films’ Oliver Roskill.
Gist: This is about death, suicide, murder, and a mother-daughter relationship.
Release Date/Prediction: We now believe that A24 might grab a SXSW slot or showcase this as a Directors’ Fortnight or Critics’ Week option a la Aftersun in Cannes. A24 is expected to premiere this in early 2023.