French filmmaker Vincent Le Port and Hungarian helmer Kornél Mundruczó are receiving some ARTE France Cinéma coin for future projets that are being readied for 2026 launches. After Bruno Reidal, Confessions of a Murderer (which our Nicholas Bell called “challenging arthouse horror” – read review), Le Port adapts from Un crime de braves gens by George Marbeck – set on August 16, 1870, in the last days of the Second Empire, a crowd of peasants beat and tortured a man for several hours before burning him alive. The main culprits were ordinary people. Arieh Worthalter and Antoine Reinartz will topline Hautefaye. Les Films du Losange will produce.
After recently wrapping up At the Sea (his first English language project), The Revolution According to Kamo is about Kamo and Soso, two young boys from the small town of Gori become inseparable friends. As revolution begins to rumble throughout the Russian Empire, the two friends play a growing role in the movement that is about to bring down the Tsar.
Soso will become Joseph Stalin, one of the most ruthless dictators in history. Production is set for fall this year.
ARTE France Cinéma are also backing the feature debut by Brazilian animation director Wesley Rodrigues. Le Royaume des oiseaux is expected to be ready for Spring of 2028. Assum Preto is taken in as a child by Carcará, an outlaw who aspires to become a local legend.