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April | 2024 Venice Film Festival Review

A Vindicated Woman: Kulumbegashvili Constructs Potent, Profound Study in Body Horror I do not wish them to have power over men; but over themselves,”...

Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time | Review

Lover Come Back: Horvat Forges Queasy Love Connection with Projections and Perceptions   For her sophomore narrative feature, the intoxicatingly titled Preparations to Be Together for...

Pieces of a Woman | Review

Brink of Life: Mundruczó Hunts for the Grace in Grief with English Language Debut One of Hungary’s most prolific arthouse auteurs of the last decade...

You BETcha!: Nomadland is the Odds on Favorite for the 2020 Venice Film Festival’s Golden Lion

With Cannes offering up a hypothetical edition and the Karlovy Varys and Locarnos conducting some form of film community outreach, the COVID-19 pandemic might...

2020 Venice Film Festival: Michel Franco, Mona Fastvold, Jasmila Zbanic & Konchalovsky in Comp

Mona Fastvold, Emma Dante and Chloé Zhao were tipped for the comp months ago, but today heavyweights such as Jasmila Zbanic, Malgorzata Szumowska (Never...


The Order | Review