A film graduate (M.F.A. in Directing from the American Film Institute) who to this point, has had more experience working as a playwright, Bill Oliver...
Once More With(out) Feeling: Schwentke Barrels Along with Malingering Franchise
If we’ve reached uncomfortable saturation levels with super hero tent poles, the same conversations should...
Rebel Heart: Schwentke Usurps Plebeian YA Franchise
In many ways, Insurgent is an easier film to watch than its 2014 predecessor, Divergent, in which we...
I Tumblr For You; The Kids Aren't Alright in Reitman's Latest
Parents and their burgeoning teenagers battle their insecurities and repressed sexuality amidst ever present technology...
Never Having to Say You’re Sorry: Boone’s Adaptation Jerks Your Tears
Director Josh Boone adapts John Green’s popular 2012 novel The Fault in Our Stars...
Dissatisfaction: Burger Launches the Next YA Dystopia to Unwieldy Lengths
Director Neil Burger joins genre courting/sci-fi alum Andrew Niccol’s dip into the abscessed pool of...
Men, Women & Children
Director: Jason Reitman
Writer(s): Jason Reitman, Erin Cressida Wilson
Producers: Right of Way Films' Helen Estabrook & Reitman
U.S. Distributor: Paramount Pictures
Cast: Adam Sandler,...