Tag: Bluebird

IONCINEPHILE of the Month: Lance Edmands’ Top Eight Films….

Have you ever wondered what are the films that inspire the next generation of visionary filmmakers? As part of our monthly IONCINEPHILE profile, we...

IONCINEPHILE of the Month: Lance Edmands (Bluebird)

IONCINEMA.com’s IONCINEPHILE of the Month feature focuses on an emerging filmmaker from the world of cinema. Prior to the film's TriBeCa Film Festival world...

Bluebird | Review

Lives of Quiet Desperation: Edmond’s Masterful, Eloquent Debut “I stand in awe of my body. This matter to which I am bound,” is the poetic...

An Indie Maine Stay; Bluebird Migrates Towards Factory 25

In a deal that has been closed for some time now, but Factory 25 are cutting, skidding and loading Lance Edmands' directorial debut onto...

Gondry’s Mood Indigo Opens, while Wheatley, Edmands, Heinzerling Pack Karlovy Vary’s 48th Edition

Michel Gondry's Mood Indigo (L’écume des jours) was a surprise no-show in Cannes this year (his film debuted theatrically in France the previous month)...

2013 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Lance Edmands’ Bluebird

Not Robert Redford or any Sundance programmer for that matter would admit to it, but their are certain characteristics that make for the quintessential...

Poland’s American Film Fest’s US in Progress Wrocław to Showcase Latest from Matt Porterfield and Lance Edmands

Formerly going by the workshop title of Gotham in Progress, Poland's third American Film Festival's US in Progress Wrocław (2 day event) will see...

In the Pipeline: Lance Edmands

If you live there, you know Maine is much more than just lobsters and lighthouses. Filmmaker, Lance Edmands, is going to introduce the rest of us to the local side of his home state in his feature film debut, Bluebird. Set in a small Maine town, it’s about a school bus driver who accidentally locks a young boy in a school bus on a cold winter night. The boy is taken to the hospital the next day. The story follows the aftermath of this tragedy and how it affects and changes the families involved.


Exclusive Clip: How We Create Images Questioned in Mehmet Akif Büyükatalay’s “Hysteria”

After premiering his debut feature Oray at the Berlinale...

Interview: Dea Kulumbegashvili – April

After making its debut at the Venice Film Festival...