Tag: Christopher Nolan

Oppenheimer | Review

Bombs Away: How Christopher Nolan Stopped Worrying and Love the Bomb For his highly anticipated twelfth feature, Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan returns to the annals of...

IndieSponge Episode 5 – Tenet, Spike Lee, Derek Cianfrance & Ari Aster/Lars Knudsen on Save the Green Planet!

On this week’s episode of IndieSponge, Kevin Jagernauth and I talk about Christopher Nolan's Tenet and the difficult decision making process in opening films...

IONCINEPHILE of the Month: Sarah Daggar-Nickson’s Top Ten Films of All Time List

Have you ever wondered what are the films that inspire the next generation of visionary filmmakers? To celebrate the launch of her feature debut...

The Conversation: One Never Cannes Tell (2017 Edition)

It’s hard to believe, but we’re about five weeks away from the unveiling of the 2017 Cannes Film Festival lineup. After several months of...

Top 25 Most Anticipated Studio Films of 2017: Picks #25 to #6

For our annual lineup of most anticipated studio films, our goal is to highlight auteurs (and other notable cinematic technicians) who have projects brewing...

Through the Looking-Glass…Top 200 Most Anticipated Films of 2017: An Introduction

As we were putting together our projections for most anticipated films due in 2017, we noticed there were too many notable titles to be...

The Quay Brothers: Collected Short Films | Blu-ray Review

Those prone to mental disturbances and nightmares, or possess a fear of dolls, dirt or general unpleasantries would do well to avoid the Brothers...

Interstellar | Review

Don’t Let’s Ask For the Moon: Nolan’s Space Opera for the Ages At last divorcing himself from the omnipotent shadows of Batman, director Christopher Nolan’s...

Criterion Collection: Following | DVD Review

Over the last decade, Christopher Nolan has established himself as one of the most noteworthy mainstream directors working in the industry, mostly due to...


Parthenope | Review

The Boring & Beautiful: Sorrentino’s Tone Deaf Portrait of...

Bring Them Down | Review

Everybody Hurts: All Pain and No Gain in Christopher...

Interview: Natalia León – Como si la tierra se las hubiera tragado (2025 Sundance Short)

A touching, sober, political and poignant text on femicide,...