The most acquisitions and distributor launch-pad friendly section of the festival, the Premieres category had some big ticket items in Nisha Ganatra's Late Night,...
Kong’s Crib: Vogt-Roberts Strains Weak Characters Through Special Effects Pageant
In the continuing tradition of flinging fledgling indie directors into studio tent pole franchise reboots,...
Dog Day Afternoon: Roskam Sets Romance Amidst Insider Heist
Coming off the white hot success of his hard hitting, Oscar nominated debut, Bullhead, Michaël Roskam...
The Drop
Director: Michael R. Roskam
Writer: Dennis Lehane
Producers: Chernin Entertainment’s Peter Chernin and Dylan Clark, Mike Larocca
U.S. Distributor: Fox Searchlight
Cast: Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, James...