Tag: Rupert Wyatt

Top 100 Most Anticipated American Indie Films of 2018: Picks 200 to 101

Last week, Nicholas Bell helped us ring in the new year with our Top 200 most anticipated world cinema items. We also highlighted our...

The Gambler | Review

Kens and Dolls: Wyatt Revamps Toback Prose for the Plastic Age Working steadfastly against the success of Rupert Wyatt’s up-do of The Gambler, which was...

Top 200 Most Anticipated Films for 2014: #71. Cutter Hodierne’s Fishing without Nets

Fishing Without Nets Director: Cutter Hodierne Writers: Cutter Hodierne, David Burkman, Sam Cohan, John Hibey Producers: THINK Media Studios’ Brian Glazen and Stephanie Pinola, Raphael Swann, John...


Parthenope | Review

The Boring & Beautiful: Sorrentino’s Tone Deaf Portrait of...

Bring Them Down | Review

Everybody Hurts: All Pain and No Gain in Christopher...

Interview: Natalia León – Como si la tierra se las hubiera tragado (2025 Sundance Short)

A touching, sober, political and poignant text on femicide,...