Edson Oda’s debut feature Nine Days, is, quite simply, miraculous. This spiritual-fiction (“spi-fi”—coined by supporting lead Benedict Wong) film follows Will (Winston Duke in...
Among the sixteen narrative feature films announced today all vying for Grand Jury Prize Award we have highly anticipated items from Janicza Bravo (Zola),...
To the Stars
Moving from the lopapeysa fitted, John Cassavetes Award winning Land Ho! to an Oklahoma Land Rush, Martha Stephens (profiled in our Sundance...
Martha Stephens' fourth feature film follows in the footsteps of Land Ho! (Sundance '14). With filming having taken place in May, starring Shea Whigham, Malin Akerman,...
Terror Train: Eastwood Monotonously Mulls an Act of Heroism in Failed Experiment
For evidence of why narrative filmmaking is generally assisted by the designation of...