The Grand Budapest Hotel
Director/Writer: Wes Anderson
Producer(s): Anderson, Steven M. Rales and Scott Rudin
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available
Cast: Jude Law, Ralph Fiennes, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Saoirse Ronan, Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Tilda Swinton, Jeff Goldblum, Jason Schwartzman, Harvey Keitel, F. Murray Abraham, Mathieu Amalric, Bob Balaban
Though there is often a vague of familiarity in his films (same faces, themes, aesthetic) Wes Anderson’s creative output is unmatched among his peers and we’re looking forward to a nouveau Euro-type Four Rooms and the year’s smile-friendly ensemble.
Gist: The troubles and tribulations of Mr. Gustave, who serves as the hotel’s perfectly composed concierge.
Release Date: Filming begins this month, so this could easily be included at the Venice Film Festival.