The Lost City of Twee: Anderson Continues Quest of Counterfeit Sentiments
Somewhere along the way, over the past twenty years, Wes Anderson’s style completely...
Technically speaking the great American filmmaker Wes Anderson has now appeared in the Cannes competition with three titles - opening the '12 edition with...
Repetition Commission: Anderson Flatlines with Twee Aesthetic
Since cinema requires a semblance of participation by the audience, a passive relationship of sorts, the latest curio...
A Dog’s Tale: Anderson Returns to Animation with Scruffy, Eclectic Fantasy
We’ve come to expect a certain technical formality from Wes Anderson, even across a...
Teenage Dirtbag, Baby: Shaw’s Odd, Amusing Portrait of Stylized Teen Angst
If some teenage version of Reading Rainbow coughed up a hallucinatory fever dream into...
2014 saw Patrick Brice officially plant his feet with Craigslist's ad from hell horror pic Creep (originally titled Peachfuzz) being picked up (by RADiUS)...
Veteran indie film world thesps Adam Scott and Jason Schwartzman, Orange Is the New Black's Taylor Schilling along with French actress from Potiche fame...
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Director: Wes Anderson
Writer(s): Wes Anderson
Producer(s): Wes Anderson, Jeremy Dawson, Steven M. Rales, Scott Rudin
U.S. Distributor: Fox Searchlight
Cast: Ralph Fiennes, Tony Revolori,...
Big Eyes
Director: Tim Burton
Writers: Scott Alexander, Larry Karaszewski
Producers: Scott Alexander, Tim Burton, Lynette Howell, Larry Karaszewski
U.S. Distributor: The Weinstein Co.
Cast: Amy Adams, Christoph Waltz,...
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Director/Writer: Wes Anderson
Producer(s): Anderson, Steven M. Rales and Scott Rudin
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available
Cast: Jude Law, Ralph Fiennes, Edward Norton, Bill Murray,...