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Finding Vivian Maier | Review

Photo Bomb: Maloof and Siskel Rewrite Modern Art History Tales of buried treasure have long been the stuff of cinema gold, from The Treasure of...

Top 20 Alternative Picks for TIFF 2013: Charlie Siskel & John Maloof’s Finding Vivian Maier

Charlie Siskel & John Maloof's Finding Vivian Maier Section: TIFF Docs Dates: Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th Buzz: In the case of Finding Vivian Maier, pedigree is not...

Last Call At The Oasis | Review

Got Water: Yu Gets Fresh with the Viewer as Apocalypse Nears Not only is there a looming water shortage, but nearly all of the so...

Exclusive Clip: Last Call At The Oasis

Over the last two decades, director Jessica Yu has jumped from fictional features (Ping Pong Playa) to prime time television (American Dreams, Grey's Anatomy)...

Jordan’s Top 20 of 2011: Picks 20-11

It's hard to believe that the predicted apocalypse is nearly upon us. Looking back though, it wouldn't be a bad note to go out on, with so many quality films making their way to theaters around the globe this year. Not surprisingly, several titles tackled the topic of the end of the world (most notably the beautifully bleak Melancholia and the horrifically realistic Contagion), while others looked at the grim realities of life and decided that a brighter future is just around the bend (the youthful confusion of In A Better World and the depressingly sensual Burning Man).
