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In the Heart of the Sea | Review

Two if by Sea: Howard’s Whaling Expedition Sinks to the Fathoms Herman Melville’s 1851 novel Moby-Dick is one of the seminal epics of American literature,...

What’s Up Doc?: Pennebaker/Hegedus & Malick Voyage to the Top in November

It's been a couple months since the last edition of What's Up Doc? placed Michael Moore's surprise world premiere of Where To Invade Next at...

What’s Up Doc?: Moore Docu Surprises, Locarno Begins, Telluride, Venice & TIFF Loom

The fall festival rush is upon us. Locarno is currently ramping up. Venice has released their line-up and Thom Powers and the Toronto International...

Haigh, Barthes & Terence Nance Among IFP Independent Film Week Participants

The premiere post-TIFF destination (September 20-25th) in the film community and a major leg up for narrative and non-fiction films in development, the Independent Filmmaker...

What’s Up Doc?: Wiseman Rises to New “Heights” & Rivers Shooting “The Two Eyes Are Not Brothers” in Morocco

It's been a surprisingly interesting month of moving and shaking in terms of doc development. Just a month after making his first public funding...


Oh, Canada | Review

Nightbitch | Review

All About My Mother: Amy Adams Goes to the...