Undead Again: Snyder’s Zest for Zombies Revisited in Fun, Derivative Ensemble
Director Zack Snyder moves beyond the superhero universe following his anticipated enhancement of the...
The Last Thing He Wanted: Barker Resurrects Martyred Diplomat in Feature Debut
Documentarian Greg Barker returns to the subject of U.N. High Commissioner for Human...
The most acquisitions and distributor launch-pad friendly section of the festival, the Premieres category had some big ticket items in Nisha Ganatra's Late Night,...
Drop in the Bucket: Cox’s Uneven Directorial Debut
Actress Courtney Cox makes her directorial debut with Just Before I Go, based on the first feature...
Twelve Years a Slave
Director: Steve McQueen
Writer(s): McQueen & John Ridley
Producer(s): Anthony Katagas, Brad Pitt
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available
Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Brad Pitt, Michael Fassbender, Paul...