Tag: Jason Isaacs

Top 200 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2023: #161. Alex Helfrecht’s A Winter’s Journey

A Winter’s Journey As with any animated film (this one has live action with CG and painted animation) it's difficult to pinpoint a targeted release...

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris | Review

Dior on the Floor: Fabian Spins Sweetness into Schmaltz with Anglophile Fairy Tale It’s never too late to follow one’s dreams, as the truncated tagline...

Operation Mincemeat | Review

Get Them to the Greek: Madden Traipses Lightly Through Factual WWII Espionage Despite it’s presentation as a frothy pseudo-comedy, the events transpiring in John...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2021: #98. Anthony Fabian’s Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris Anthony Fabian is set to reveal his highest profile project since 2008’s Skin with a revamp of a beloved Paul...

2021 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: John Madden’s Operation Mincemeat

An acquisitions friendly title from across the pound with all the production value trimmings that we feel would have normally splashed in the Premieres...

A Cure for Wellness | Review

Do Capitalists Dream of Electric Eels?: Verbinski’s Visits Mountains of Madness in Paranoia Escapade Not unlike his more renowned yet equally studio inveigled colleague Christopher...

2015 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Nikole Beckwith’s Stockholm, Pennsylvania

An actor, musician and a playwright who sort of came swanning into the driver's seat in 2012 stringing the prestigious Academy Nicholl Fellowships in...

Fury | Review

This Time, It’s War: Ayer’s Latest Depiction of Men Under Fire At last leaving behind the pulpy, sometimes overly chewy cop action/dramas he’s been churning...

Top 200 Most Anticipated Films for 2014: #138. Rio, I Love You

Rio, I Love You Director: Stephan Elliott, Fernando Meirelles, José Padilha, Paolo Sorrentino, Vicente Amorim, Guillermo Arriaga, Im Sang-soo, Nadine Labaki, Carlos Saldanha, Andrucha Waddington Writer(s):...
