Released between a pair of revisionist Westerns (1970’s Little Big Man and 1976’s The Missouri Breaks), Arthur Penn’s 1975 neo-noir Night Moves remains an...
Caring & Killing: Reichardt Attempts Eco-Thriller
There is a lovable minimalism about the films of Kelly Reichardt, a sense of environmental awareness and personal disorientation...
#24. Kelly Reichardt's Night Moves
Gist: Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Peter Sarsgaard and Dakota Fanning, this centers on three environmentalists who plot to blow up a...
Night Moves
Director/Writer: Kelly Reichardt
Producer(s): Saemi Kim, Neil Kopp, Chris Maybach, Anish Savjani, Rodrigo Teixeira
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available
Cast: Dakota Fanning, Jesse Eisenberg, Peter Sarsgaard
Unlike other...