One of the few misfires of director Sidney Lumet’s extensive and impressive filmography, his 1992 romantic thriller A Stranger Among Us finds itself recuperated...
Tales of Ordinary Madness: Korine Courts Cutesy in Outlandish Stoner Comedy
It’s no fun being the designated driver, which is the position the audience of...
With Utah having more relaxed laws for marijuana use, perhaps a weed laced smell-o-vision Park City screening isn't such a far-fetched idea after all....
With the gigantic cluster fuck that is the sinking ship distributor The Weinstein Company, we seriously doubt that Garth Davis' Mary Magdalene will receive...
All things documentary, foreign and American independent film are what the staff unabashedly bleeds for here at Film snobbery aside, we've identified twenty-five studio film offerings...
Triple Nine
Director: John Hillcoat
Writer: Matt Cook
Producers: Anonymous Content's Bard Dorros, Steve Golin and Keith Redmon
U.S. Distributor: Open Road
Cast: Aaron Paul, Michael B. Jordan, Kate...
Director: Lynn Shelton
Writer: Andrea Seigel
Producers: Craig Chapman, Kevin Scott Frakes, Anonymous Content’s Steve Golin, Kyle Dean Jackson
U.S. Distributor: A24
Cast: Chloë Grace Moretz, Keira Knightley,...