Man with a Movie Camera: Levitas Aims for Noble Rendering of Horrific Toxic Waste Contamination
You’ve heard it before---corporate greed and government corruption colluding to...
Enter the Franchise: McQuoid Revives the Fisticuffs & Fantasies of Beloved Video Game
In the continual fluctuations of franchise reboots and revivals, the resurgence of...
The Outsider
Danish filmmaker Martin Zandvliet scored his first international success with his third feature, 2015’s tense WWII film Land of Mine (read review), which competed in...
The Outsider
Director: Martin Zandvliet
Writer: Andrew Baldwin
Danish filmmaker Martin Zandvliet scored his first international success with his third feature, 2015’s tense WWII film Land of...
The Assassin
Director(s): Hou Hsiao-Hsien // Writer(s): Hou Hsiao-Hsien
T’ien-wen Chu Chinese auteur Hou Hsiao-Hsien has been steadily working since the early 1980’s, coming to great...
Journey to the Shore
Director: Kiyoshi Kurosawa// Writer: Takashi Ujita, Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa is most revered for his genre work, including the fantastically...
The Assassin
Director: Hou Hsiao-Hsien
Writer: T'ien-wen Chu
Producer: Wen-Ying Huang
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available
Cast: Shu Qi, Chang Chen, Satoshi Tsumabuki, Ethan Ruan and Nikki Hsieh, with Ni...