The year has already picked up significantly since Sundance, as eyes turn to this past weekend's True/False, SXSW, and Tribeca Film Festivals. Taking the...
On An Ultralight Beam: Ross Brothers Turn David Byrne's Color Guard Dream Into Vivid Sensorial Masterpiece
Back in January of 2015, former Talking Heads frontman David Byrne...
With their unique vérité aesthetic brand, one that shuffles the deck of conventional docu-filmaking rules and techniques (our Jordan M. Smith recently called it...
Fractured Frontier: Ross Bros. Witness Bordertowns Running Afoul Under Threat of Storm Clouds & Cartels
The brothers Ross, Bill and Turner, have been rightly hailed...
Jordan M. Smith: Name me three of your favorite “2014 discoveries”…
Turner Ross: Zipolite, Oaxaca. Dorothy Jean's first word (Dada). Letters of John Steinbeck.
Smith: Western...