A New York-native, first time writer/director Nia DaCosta premiered her poignant family drama, Little Woods, on home turf at Tribeca 2018. Set in the...
Known for her eye-opening documentaries, Emmy-winning producer/director Madeleine Sackler had not one but two films in 2018’s Tribeca Film Festival: It’s a Hard Truth, Ain’t...
Emmy Award-winning Director of Photography Wolfgang Held had three films at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival: O.G., It’s a Hard Truth, Ain’t It, and...
Emma Forrest has been a writer all of her life. Now, she’s a director too. The British-American journalist, novelist and screenwriter, debuted her first...
Ghostbox Cowboy might be John Maringouin's first foray into the narrative form, but there is a lineage to his previous docu features; best known for...
Damn Sell: Maringouin’s No-Frills Pynchonian Mind-blowing Masterpiece
Unfolding like a Thomas Pynchon novel, John Maringouin’s latest oeuvre follows an American inventor-of-sorts who gets taken for...
One Man’s Quest to Spotlight the Unsung Stars of Industrial Musicals
Comedy writer Steve Young’s fascination with a peculiar oddity takes him on a personally...
We sat down with first-time writer/director Eva Vives to discuss her Tribeca 2018 hit: the provocative love story All About Nina (interview below). Vives...
Anti-American Graffiti: A Cultural Critique Built on Street Art
Marco Prosperio’s ambitious debut feature The Man Who Stole Banksy is a far-reaching plunge into the...
Paul Lieberstein — perhaps better known as Toby Flenderson from NBC’s The Office—made his feature film debut at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival with...
Trail Mix: Brown Offers Ephemeral Romance on Appalachian Hike
The anti-thesis of a fight-against-the-elements type narrative a la Wild or Tracks, Maine unfolds quietly and emphasizes...
With several of these projects landing on our 2018 Most Anticipated American indie films list, this year's U.S. Narrative Comp appears to be a solid slate...
Peppered with items that recently dropped at Rotterdam and Berlin, with a handful of world premieres to bout, the International Narrative Comp features Gabriela...
Film items we've seen at TIFF back in September in Haifaa Al Mansour's Mary Shelley and Sebastian Lelio's Disobedience, to Sundance's top prize winner...
Complementing the Documentary Competition items, not unlike Sundance's Documentary Premieres section which features the latest from established docu helmers, this year's batch includes as...
The Tribeca Film Festival has unveiled their 2018 program and have lassoed the shot in Montreal Drake Doremus' Zoe as the Centerpiece Gala and will close out...