If There Be Scorn: Fennell’s Debut a Stellar Portrait of Rape Trauma’s Rippling Effects
Heretofore, the rape revenge thriller has been something of a problematic...
Where They From: Ficarra & Requa and the Privileged Perspective
Cinematic depictions of the ongoing conflict(s) in the Middle East continue to be a touchy...
Steve Karmen's 70s radio jingle certainly comes to mind when considering the body of work from the likes of Scorsese, Spike Lee, Woody Allen. We can...
The Eyes Have It: Ray’s Unnecessary Remakes Pales Next to Source
Thanks to mainstream America’s huffy dismissal of subtitles when it comes to cinema, we...
Love is Strange
Director: Ira Sachs
Writers: Ira Sachs and Mauricio Zacharias
Producers: Sachs, Parts and Labor’s Lars Knudsen & Jay Van Hoy, Lucas Joaquin, Jayne Baron...
The Sundance Film Festival made their final feature film line-ups with the Premieres category announcements. Sixteen films with huge name talent, returnee filmmakers and...