Oedipus Shrugged: Schanelec Finds Tragedy is the Song That Doesn’t End
There’s little use clinging to the description of Angela Schanelec’s latest film Music as...
We've looked at the non-competing sections (10 predictions). We've visited (20 predictions) the possible Critics' Week programme. We explored (20 predictions) options for the...
The Play’s the Thing: Schanelec Shines with Striking Dynamic on Artifice vs. Authenticity
Words pour out of us, as the main character vocalizes in one...
For its 69th edition of the festival, Berlin presents a varied and unpredictable lineup of international auteurs. Plenty of returning luminaries are present, including...
I Was At Home, But (Ich war zuhause, aber)
German art-house auteur Angela Schanelec will be set to unveil her ninth feature, the intriguingly titled,...
Scenes from a Fugue State: Schanelec Returns with Abstract Continuum of Dissolved Relationships
“I don’t know where to put myself,” says a character at one...