As has been the Berlinale’s custom of years past, several early competition titles have been confirmed along with the 2019 opener, Lone Scherfig’s The...
A bromance between the festival and this Welsh started back when The Raid: Redemption received it U.S. premiere during the 2012 edition. Sundance has...
Badass Berendal: Gareth Evans Delivers a Bloody Good Time
Bigger is palpably better. In Gareth Evans' eagerly anticipated and ambitious sequel to his 2011 cult...
The Sundance Film Festival made their final feature film line-ups with the Premieres category announcements. Sixteen films with huge name talent, returnee filmmakers and...
Improved Frequencies: Sequel to Found Footage Anthology Film an Improved Bag of Goodies
While last year’s horror anthology, VHS, was an entertaining enough horror film...
Slaughterhouse Orchestra: Gareth Evans Offers Full Course Action Meal
There’s nothing innately wrong with a one trick pony, and kudos to the film that knows...