Tag: Lily James

2024 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Potsy Ponciroli’s Greedy People

Following the showcase for his sophomore film Old Henry (2021) at the Venice Film Festival, Potsy Ponciroli next landed on Greedy People (formerly titled...

Finalmente L’Alba (Finally Dawn) | 2023 Venice Film Festival Review

Cruel Intentions: Costanzo Pays Homage to the Demi-Monde of the Italian Film Industry After adapting Elena Ferrante’s "My Brilliant Friend" for television, Saverio Costanzo returns...

Top 200 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2023: #129. Saverio Costanzo’s Finalemente L’Alba

Finalemente L’alba After directing a whopping 70 episodes of "In Treatment" and just over a dozen episodes of "My Brilliant Friend," 2014's Hungry Hearts (five-time...

The Dig [Video Review]

Sutton Hoo! Sutton Hay!: Stone Goes Deep in Recuperation of Notable Excavation Director Simon Stone returns to a particular place during a particular period in...

Rebecca | Review

De Winter of Our Discontent: Wheatley Wavers with Empty Remake of Du Maurier Classic Remaking a property which was previously adapted by none other than...

Top 150 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2020: #31. Rebecca – Ben Wheatley

Rebecca A decade into feature filmmaking and Ben Wheatley has taken it upon himself to remake Alfred Hitchcock’s 1940 classic Rebecca, which won the Best...

Yesterday | Review

Never Underestimate Beatlemania: Boyle Is The Walrus Like McCartney without Lennon, Danny Boyle’s Yesterday is long on whimsy, short on content—but it works. An entertaining one-note fantasy rom-com...

Interview: Nia Dacosta – Little Woods

A New York-native, first time writer/director Nia DaCosta premiered her poignant family drama, Little Woods, on home turf at Tribeca 2018. Set in the...

Interview: Nia DaCosta – Little Woods | 2015 January Screenwriters Lab

Selected for the US Narrative Competition at the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival, we've been tracking Nia DaCosta's feature debut project since sitting down with...

Top 100 Most Anticipated American Indie Films of 2018: #88. Nia DaCosta’s Little Woods

Little Woods With POTUS45 somewhat peeved with it's neighbor to the north, Canada nonetheless remains a sanctuary and is more friend than foe especially when...

2018 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Nia DaCosta’s Little Woods

Possibly belonging to a Frozen River and Sin Nombre type of harrowing universe where there are no real alternatives, Nia DaCosta's directorial debut will...

Burnt | Review

Chef Boyardee: Wells Fails with Filmmaking Recipe For his third film outing, director John Wells delves into the catty universe of high-end cuisine with Burnt...

Cinderella | Review

Bippity Boppity…Boo: Branagh’s Fairy Tale for Hire Does anyone remember when Kenneth Branagh was directing superior cinematic adaptations of Shakespeare before eventually becoming the director...
