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Weisz in full ‘Bloom’

Rachel Weisz, fresh off of winning an Oscar, starring in The Fountain, and having Darren Aronofsky’s baby, has signed on to star in The Brothers Bloom, an indie adventure to be written and directed by Brick layer Rian Johnson.

2024 Sundance: Scott Cummings’ REALM OF SATAN & Haley Elizabeth Anderson’s Tendaberry Among NEXT Items

Long-time editor (Never Rarely Sometimes Always) and director (Buffalo Juggalos - short) Scott Cummings and a talent to watch in Haley Elizabeth Anderson (Sundance...

The Whale | Review

Charlie and the Tragedy Factory: Aronofsky Returns with Potent Chamber-piece on Despair and Redemption Obesity is far from the only morbid element marinating the bleak...

2022 Cinema Eye Honors: Fire of Love, The Territory & All That Breathes Lead Noms

Three bonafide hits from the 2022 online edition of the Sundance Film Festival will be feted at the top of the new year at...

2022 TIFF: Peter Farrelly, Hong Sang-soo & Tobias Lindholm to World Premiere in Toronto

The fun part about dissecting TIFF's Gala and Special Presentations unveiling are what titles are skipping TIFF, which titles are moving directly from Venice...


Poetic Justice: Blake Draper Unbottled in Patrick Wang’s ‘A. Rimbaud’

American micro-indie filmmaker Patrick Wang of 2011's In the...