Edson Oda’s debut feature Nine Days, is, quite simply, miraculous. This spiritual-fiction (“spi-fi”—coined by supporting lead Benedict Wong) film follows Will (Winston Duke in...
Among the sixteen narrative feature films announced today all vying for Grand Jury Prize Award we have highly anticipated items from Janicza Bravo (Zola),...
Assassination Nation
Sam Levinson offered us one of the best films of 2011 with his directorial debut --- we called it “a bitter, nasty, angry film about...
Remarkably, this year's Midnight section has this in common: Sam Levinson, Panos Cosmatos, Nicolas Pesce (see pic above) and the team of Francois Simard,...
Once More With(out) Feeling: Schwentke Barrels Along with Malingering Franchise
If we’ve reached uncomfortable saturation levels with super hero tent poles, the same conversations should...