The husband-and-wife filmmaker tandem from Brussels known best for exploring their worlds via a giallo lense, moved into animated film territory sometime around 2018...
While we look forward to a plentiful 2019 as far as foreign cinema is concerned (of which we highlighted #300-151 and our countdown #150-1 to anticipate...
All that Glitters: Cattet & Forzani Cut Stylish Swath Through Arid Neo-Western
For their third film, Let the Corpses Tan!, another heavily styled recalibration of...
And so, another edition of North America’s grandest film festival ends as the 42nd revolution of TIFF fades from memory and jumpstarts the beginning...
Let the Bodies Sunbathe!
Director: Helene Cattet, Bruno Forzani
Writer: Helene Cattet, Bruno Forzani
We’ve been tracking this latest project from Helene Cattet and Bruno Forzani since...
Laissez Bronzer Les Cadavres
Director: Bruno Forzani & Helene Cattet
Writers: Bruno Forzani & Helene Cattet
Last year, we had included this new project from 'neo-giallists' Bruno...
Let the Bodies Sunbathe!
Directors: Helene Cattet and Bruno Forzani // Writers: Helene Cattet and Bruno Forzani
Belgian couple Helene Cattet and Bruno Forzani have amassed...
Helene Cattet & Bruno Forzani - The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears
Section: Vanguard
Dates: Wednesday 11th, Thursday 12th, Saturday 14th
Buzz: Helene Cattet and Bruno...
Outclassing Venice this year in terms of quantity (and we'll soon see in perhaps quality), 2013's Toronto International Film Festival's Vanguard section sees programmer...
#94. Cattet & Forzani’s The Strange Color of Your Body’s Tears
Gist: A man’s wife disappears in Brussels under strange circumstances and is determined to...
Sing ‘em With Me: Ambitious Horror Anthology Overreaches Itself
Nearly every anthology film ever made suffers from the same predicament in that there are usually...