Tag: The Eyes of My Mother

Interview: Jake Wasserman – TYREL & Piercing | 2018 Sundance Film Festival

It's an association, friendship and creative partnership that began with Nicolas Pesce, that was nurtured by the Borderline Films' Josh Mond, Antonio Campos and...

Best of 2016: Nicholas Bell’s Top 20 Theatrical Releases: Picks 20 to 11

To the relief of many, the final, strenuous chapter of the anxiety-inducing and emotionally toxic year 2016 draws to a close this week. As...

2016 Sundance Film Fest Video: Nicolas Pesce’s The Eyes Of My Mother

Not only one of the more temptingly tasty items from the NEXT section but the entire 2016 Sundance slate, the B&W, economically compact title...

The Conversation: Top 10 Technicians Mid-Year Ranking

With directors and/or actors usurping most of the credit and acclaim for lauded film features, we chose to highlight a few of the behind-the-scenes...

The Conversation: One Never Cannes Tell – The 2016 Edition

Tis the season for fevered wish lists and constantly fluctuating prognostications concerning the soon to be revealed 2016 program at the Cannes Film Festival....

Tie Me Up, Eye Me Down: Magnet Releasing Ankles Nicolas Pesce’s “The Eyes of My Mother”

Magnolia was mostly sticking to docu items, but Variety reports that Magnet Releasing have landed worldwide distribution rights to The Eyes of My Mother - Nicolas Pesce's break-out directorial...

Best of Fest: Sundance 2016’s Top 10 New Faces

Yesterday, Nicholas Bell and I issued our Top 10 New Voices, and now we launch into our New Faces. They range in age, amount of...

Best of Fest: Sundance 2016’s Top 10 New Voices

Commonly known as a lieu that breeds new filmmaking talents, Nicholas Bell and I look back at the filmmakers who made the most noteworthy...

Kelly Reichardt’s Certain Women Leads Eric Lavallee’s 2016 Sundance Film Fest Top Ten

With a decent sized sampling of thirty-one features and several four star quality shorts viewed, my assessment of the '16 edition is as follows:...

Kelly Reichardt’s Certain Women Leads Nicholas Bell’s 2016 Sundance Film Fest Top Ten

Sundance 2016 has come to a close, once more showcasing a lack of differentiation based on what constitutes the Audience and the Grand Jury....

2016 Sundance Film Festival: Nicholas Bell’s Top 5 Most Anticipated Films

Despite the initial anticipation or dismay for every annual major film festival line-up, Sundance remains an inherent conjurer of new breakout talent. Though we...

Sundance ’16: Tim Sutton, Nicolas Pesce, Bernardo Britto, Matt Johnson & Anna Rose Holmer Break into NEXT section

We might look back to 2015's 10 film line-up as a true vintage year for the NEXT section. With the likes of Rick Alverson's...
