Eight years after his 2012 debut Antiviral, Brandon Cronenberg returns with Possessor, a sci-fi thriller with a stellar cast, featuring Jennifer Jason Leigh (who...
A highly compromised and ultimately disappointing adaptation of Jane Smiley’s Pulitzer-Prize winning novel A Thousand Acres seems to have been a grueling experience...
This week’s edition of Tuesday Blus includes the following titles: Dunkirk (2017) - Warner Bros., Detroit (2017) - Twentieth Century Fox, Letter from an...
White is Right: Pattinson Shines in the Grime of the Safdie Bros. Urban Squalor
American indie directors Joshua and Ben Safdie craft their most polished...
Re-Animators: Kaufman & Johnson Brilliantly Translates Kafkaesque 'Sound Play' From The Stage To Stop Motion
Springing from the mind that spewed an incredible string of transcendent work from Being...