Following the most bizarre awards show snafu ever, (after presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway flubbed the Best Picture honor when they announced the...
Terms of Amusement: Frankel’s Sentimental Platitudes Ensconce Profoundly Foolish Melodrama
The folly of Will Smith is he’s a performer seemingly unable to differentiate between authentic...
When the Rainbow is Enuf: Jenkins Returns with Exceptional, Moving Character Portrait
It’s been eight years since indie filmmaker Barry Jenkins debuted his exceptional directorial...
My Left Fist: Fuqua’s Sports Drama a Familiar, Emotionally Charged Comeback
After another recent dalliance in action genre schlock, director Antoine Fuqua returns with the...
Half Nelson: Chadwick’s Biopic Stretched Thin
An attempt to cover fifty years in the life of South African President Nelson Mandela in the time span...