Controversial director Roman Polanski embarks on his 22nd film production J’accuse this fall, a recuperation of the infamous Dreyfus Affair which he’s been working...
About Endlessness
With his celebrated Living trilogy behind him (which took fourteen years to complete), Swedish auteur uses his favored vignette formatting to tackle One...
The Dardenne Bros. turn their socially minded lens to religious extremism with their eleventh narrative feature, Ahmed. As usual, the Dardennes are collaborating with...
Belgian provocateur Fabrice du Welz returns with Adoration, the third chapter of his celebrated Ardennes trilogy, which follows his 2004 debut Calvaire and 2014’s...
I Was At Home, But (Ich war zuhause, aber)
German art-house auteur Angela Schanelec will be set to unveil her ninth feature, the intriguingly titled,...