It's not the opener. It's not the closer. But today the Toronto International Film Festival announced that Taika Waititi's long-gestating Next Goal Wins ...
Civil War
Weeks before premiering Men in Cannes in the Directors' Fortnight section, Alex Garland jumped into his fourth feature film (and third A24 project)...
Take Back the Fright: Garland Returns with Cryptic Fable on Trenchant Misogyny
The tagline for George Cukor’s 1939 classic The Women, which notably featured...
During these pandemic times low budget productions are perhaps the safer bet --- and it was during this same upheaval where Alex Garland started...
Looking forward to the theatrical pleasures of 2018, the Hollywood studio system seems mostly a foregone conclusion save for a handful of items which...
A surprise box office hit in the first quarter of 2015 following a SXSW premiere, Alex Garland’s directorial debut Ex Machina (A24's first ever win)...
For our annual lineup of most anticipated studio films, our goal is to highlight auteurs (and other notable cinematic technicians) who have projects brewing...
Imitation Game: Garland’ s Compelling Debut Explores Human’s Technological Hubris
Excitingly presented and intelligently written, screenwriter Alex Garland’s directorial debut Ex Machina is certainly one...